AiRazor’s products are designed to protect people from indoor PM2.5 exposure, and alleviate the unpleasant burning ‘bonfire’ smell associated with smoke-haze caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Our products also reduce levels of microbes (bacteria, fungal spores, and viruses) in indoor air.
AiRazor products are designed to be effective to quickly remove and suppress PM2.5 indoors, and give the correct balance of airflow and particulate removal efficiency, and include activated carbon technology for odour suppression.
AiRazor has two key air purifier products (AR-100 & AR-200 Series), and an adapter kit to convert ventilation fans (standing, floor, wall) into powerful air purifiers. It also produces face masks that are designed to remove particulates, odours, VOCs, and microbes.
To shop for AiRazor products, go to
空尘计产品专为保护人们免受室内PM2.5 污染而设计,同时也能减少烟霾中由于挥发性有机物产生的让人难受的烧焦味。我们的产品也能减少市内空气中的微生物(细菌,真菌孢子和病毒)。